Wargame – Sharpe’s Chapel

November 13th, 1811. Western Spain.

It is now six months since Wellington turned back the French at Fuentes de Onoro in Northern Portugal. The invasion to retake Spain has begun.

Wellington’s army of British and Portuguese, aided by Spanish partisans, are advancing towards the fortress town of Ciudad Rodrigo. The South Essex Regiment, patrolling ahead of the Allied advance, has been trapped by French troops in the grounds of a chapel.

The Allied forces must drive off the attacking French regiment.


Colonel William Lawford, with the South Essex.

Captain Richard Sharpe, with the Chosen Men, the Light Company of the South Essex, and a unit of Portuguese atiradores.

Comandante Teresa Moreno, with Spanish partisans.


Colonel Benoit Boulanger, with grenadiers and line from the 87th Regiment de Ligne.

Capitaine Laurant Boucher, with line companies from the 87th and artillery.

Capitaine Pierre Tailleur, with the Voltigeurs from the 87th.

Rules used were Rebels and Patriots.

The French march on to attack the chapel from three sides.

Capitaine Boucher on the hill.

Colonel Boulanger advances behind the trees.

Capitaine Tailleur skirmishes from a third size.

The stalwart defenders.

The French close in, with the South Essex hesitating to fire costing them dearly as volleys and cannon fire cause heavy casualties.

Disaster strikes though, when Colonel Boulanger is struck down by a Portuguese rifleman.

The depleted South Essex, with Colonel Lawford wounded, takes cover as the French continue advancing.

The French Line charges the South Essex and pushes them back.

Tailleur’s Voltigeurs trade shots with the partisans and the Light Company, keeping them busy.

The French Line charges Teresa’s unit, but are pushed back and break.

Portuguese and British riflemen break the remaining grenadiers with concentrated fire.

A French volley slams into the partisans and Teresa falls, wounded.

Sharpe finally moves toward the enemy, but the French have had enough; they retreat, leaving the chapel in the hands of the Allies.

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